Chocolate sponge-Chocolate mousse-Banana compote-Maracaibo creme-Glacage
1) Chocolate sponge
2) Chocolate Mousse
3) Banana Compote
4) Maracaibo Creme
5) Glacage
Baking powder 6g
Bananas 600g
Banana puree 400g
Butter 82% OLYMPIA 320g
Cocoa powder 20g
Confectioners flour 60g
Crystalized sugar 410g
Dark chocolate San Felipe 56% FRUIBEL 720g
Eggs COCOVITE 200g
Egg Yolk COCOVITE 200g
Fond Neutral SUCREA 80g
Fresh cream 35% OLYMPIA 1380g
Gelatine leaves DGF 8g
Glucose SUCREA 50g
Milk 3.5% 940g
Milk Chocolate Maracaibo FRUIBEL 450g
Vanilla 8g
1) Chocolate sponge (for 6 bases)
Beat the 200g eggs COCOVITE with 160g sugar. Sieve 60g confectioners flour, 20g cocoa and 6g baking powder together and incorporate to the eggs. Add 200g melted Dark Chocolate and 200g melted butter. Empty the mixture into a flexipan and bake for 14 minutes at 170°C.
2) Chocolate mousse (for 6 bases)
Heat 440g milk with 8g vanilla and add to 80g Fond Neutral. Pour the mixture into 520g Dark Chocolate San Felipe. Incorporate till the glacage has the right texture. When the mixture reaches 30°C combine 880g Fresh Cream.
3) Banana compote (for 6 bases)
Slice 600g bananas and place in pan with 120g butter till they are browned. Make caramel with 50g glucose adding 150g sugar slowly. When the caramel reaches the correct color add 400g banana puree and remove from heat. Add the sliced bananas and 8g softened gelatin leaves.
4) Maracaibo cream (for 6 fillings and 6 decorated desserts)
Beat 200g egg yolks with 100g sugar. Heat 500g Fresh Cream with 500g milk and the vanilla. Incorporate into the egg yolks. Pour the mixture to 450g melted milk chocolate Maracaibo and combine (preferably in a blender). Empty into a form.
In a ring place the chocolate sponge, followed by a thin layer of Maracaibo cream and leave set to firm. Then place a layer of the banana compote and finish with the chocolate mousse. Freeze. Coat with the Dark chocolate San Felipe Glaze.